A lavish collection of fairy-tale castles spanning the centuries. With state-of-the-art amenities and elevated levels of luxury, our castles combine folklore and legend with modern-day elegance fit for a king or queen. With huge open fireplaces and regal four-poster beds, it doesn't get grander than this.

Swinton Park Hotel
Romantic, luxury spa hotel in North Yorkshire
20 offers available, including 6 spa offers, 1 to 20 nights starting from £179.50 pppn £179.50 pppn
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Atholl Palace Hotel
4-star luxury castle hotel with a spa in the heart of Perthshire
5 offers available, 1 to 7 nights starting from £110 pppn £110 pppn
Instant Availability
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Melville Castle Hotel
Stunning castle hotel with original features just outside Edinburgh
12 offers available, 1 to 7 nights starting from £68.50 pppn £68.50 pppn
Instant Availability
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Langley Castle Hotel
Romantic 14th century castle hotel in the North East near Newcastle
4 offers available, 1 to 7 nights starting from £120 pppn £120 pppn
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Dalhousie Castle Hotel and Spa
Romantic castle hotel and spa set in parkland near Edinburgh
8 offers available, 1 to 7 nights starting from £81.50 pppn £81.50 pppn
Instant Availability
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Bovey Castle
Iconic luxury castle in the heart of Devon's Dartmoor National Park
2 offers available, 1 to 10 nights starting from £229.50 pppn £229.50 pppn
Instant Availability
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Ballathie House
Classic Scottish Country Hotel on the banks of the River Tay
1 to 7 nights starting from £110 pppn £110 pppn
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Stonefield Castle Hotel
Romantic castle hotel on the shores of Loch Fyne
6 offers available, 1 to 7 nights starting from £62.50 pppn £62.50 pppn
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